
2015年12月10日 星期四

Are you looking for a new style phone case for your iphone?

Are you looking for a new style phone case for your iphone?

If you need a unique handmade phone case, just let me know. I will create for you.

When you work from your home studio, it can sometimes be pretty lonely. During those times it's nice to browse ArtFire and discover the most amazing stuff that people all over the globe are making. It also gives me a sense of belonging. I'm part of a group of creative minds; I feel there is no competition, and thats what I like so much. 
Everyone is doing their own thing.

Welcome to visit my store. It's on sale.
ArtFire :
Pinkoi :

2015年7月18日 星期六

My new shop

My new shop on Pinkoi website. 
There are so many beautiful resin craft and new designs. Share with you ...

2015年6月10日 星期三


【銀點子獎品公開】歡慶粉絲突破千人~只要粉絲們「分享銀點子抽獎的貼文」並在此留言「10字以上對純銀的想法」就可以獲得抽獎機會喔!!!獎品有~一獎:純銀葉墜鍊 *1二獎:純銀海浪墜鍊 *1三獎:玫瑰金色無限純銀鎖骨鍊 *1四獎:珍珠雅致墜飾 *2五獎:純銀簡約耳針 *3(以上墜子均包含純銀銀鍊)抽獎日期為破千人後的星期六得主的禮物將以掛號方式寄出喔!!!邀請粉絲們一起共襄盛舉~~

Posted by 銀點子工房 on 2015年6月5日

2015年5月20日 星期三

I like the ocean, so, I made phone case, Coasters and necklace. This I make a little different. It can be a key chain. when you need a necklace to match your clothes, you can change it into a necklace.

Posted by Anny's workshop on 2015年5月20日

2015年5月1日 星期五

Customer feedback Part 2

I love to receive the picture, when it cover on their phone. (*^▽^*)

Look at my gorgeous phone case. I loooove pressed flowers. Wish pressed flowers were as big a thing in murrica as it is overseas.  Thank you! annysworkshop! (And thank you for actually having Note 4 cases!!)

2015年4月14日 星期二

Feedback from customers.